Nobody break like someone who wants to make his/her dream come true
Nobody break like someone who wants to make his/her dream come true, who wants to make his/her own family proud, and see happy life around his/her family. Nobody break like someone who wakes up every morning, just to go and hustle for his/her own life, and ensure everything will be okay one day as long as He/she tries own best.
If you said, you’re breaking in the love, let me notify you that you can replace someone with someone If in the dreams, you can even replace your dream with other easy dreams if you feel they are hardest for you to work on them. If in the work, you can even replace it with a high position just for you to make other stuff come true. Sometimes life taught us that you must learn how to wait and appreciate little things with you, cause one day they will be greater than before.
Don’t rush your life, even don’t attack yourself with the negative thing that doesn’t grow you in life, and others that don’t grow with your health peaceful. Sometimes people can come and move, you must learn there is nobody to stay permanently, even in our life people went die one day. Never give up because the effort is a necessary condition. In itself it is not sufficient for success, there is also the opportunity, timing, etc. You have to be putting in the effort when those other necessary conditions align.
You’re the root, in control of everything that you have, so work on your life slow with peace of mind, and don’t rush because everything will come on time. For me, I can’t complain about myself with other levels, and if I do, I call it a challenge, and we learn from it if we fail in it. Life is beautiful, when you know, “How to control yourself, mind your own business, and only work for yourself.”
Every day I waked up at 6:00 am clock in morning, thinking about how I am going to make it. And said to “MYSELF” never, ever give up, cause one day it will work for you man as long as you try your own best with a peaceful mind. Wake up at 6 am without any alarms is really difficult, still, we must do it nothing impossible as the word itself said, “I’m possible.”